Weiwen Jennifer Xu

data science, programming, art and photographs


Hey, I'm Weiwen

or... call me Jenny!

I'm an Artificial Intelligence student (second year Master's) in University of Georgia expecting to graduate fall 2019. I'm interested in machine learning and deep learning, and my career goal is to be a data scientist or data science-related software engineer. Check out my Resume!

Besides that, I also love creating art pieces like sketches and painting. I do photographs as well. You can check my works in my portfolio.

  • Academic Related:    Blog section
  • Art Related:        Portfolio section

This is my personal website. I hope to include my interests in academic and art inside this website. I'll try to post blogs and photographs regularly. Photographs are more up-to-date on my instagram .



  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • pySpark
  • OpenCV
Programming Language
  • Python
  • JAVA
  • C++
